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Beel Infrastructure Partners

Over 60 years

of combined transaction experience


70+ closings

in structured finance in the

infrastructure & energy sector

US$ 20+ billion

in closed capital project value

Beel Infrastructure Partners is a specialized advisory & asset management firm focused on the infrastructure sector in Latin America

Based on the in-depth knowledge and years of experience of its partners, Beel offers prime access to attractive risk-adjusted investment assets to long term institutional investors

Beel is a local niche player with the ability to offer proprietary and tailored opportunities in the infrastructure financing space in Latin America, while adhering to the strictest international investment standards 

We have offices in Mexico City and Washington D.C.

Beel, pronounced (bɛ 'ɛl), is a word of Mayan origin. Its direct translation into Spanish is “path”



Beel offers access to a specialized team with origination, execution & asset management experience in infrastructure finance, both in structured debt and equity.


Niche player: Beel features a natural fit with less competitive segments of the investment universe in the private debt and equity space, where competition from banks and large investment funds is scarcer.


Sourcing capabilities: Beel has gathered an experienced team with a long track record, a far-fetching network of contacts in the local market, and the expertise to identify proprietary opportunities.

Due diligence, financial and legal structuring & negotiations: the team has the ability to appraise and improve the fundamental resilience in a project financing.

As part of our commitment to sustainability and the environment, Beel operates under IFC Performance Standards and is a signatory of the UN Principles for Responsible Investments. These standards serve as a point of reference to identify and manage the social and environmental risks of the infrastructure projects in which we work.

what we do




Team involved in the Mexican & Latin American private infrastructure debt and equity markets for more than 20 years, with ample experience in top notch financial institutions such as the North American Development Bank, Santander, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley and the Inter-American Investment Corporation (IADB Group).

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Gerónimo Gutiérrez - Managing Partner

Gerónimo has over 22 years of experience at senior government positions in the areas of finance, trade, diplomacy and national security, and 7 years of banking experience at C-suite levels.


  • Before joining Beel in 2019, Gerónimo served as Mexican ambassador to the United States of America from 2017 to 2018, where he was an instrumental figure in the negotiation of the USMCA agreement between the United States of America, Mexico and Canada.

  • Before his tenure as ambassador, Gerónimo led the North American Development Bank (NADBANK) for six years, growing the loan portfolio above 30% on average per year, while keeping AA global credit rating. Additionally, during his time at NADBANK, he successfully executed 20+ infra deals in Mexico and the United States on water, energy, solid waste management and urban mobility sectors

  • From 2003 to 2010, he held several public office positions, namely Deputy Secretary to the Ministry of Governance & Homeland Security and Undersecretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he was a key member in Mesoamerica Project, a multilateral cooperation mechanism for the development of regional infrastructure (2007-08) and the Security and Prosperity Partnership for North America, SPP (2005-06).


Gerónimo holds a Master in Public Administration from Harvard Kennedy School of Government and a BA in Economics from Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México.

 Jaime Falcones - Partner

Jaime has 18 years of experience in the financial sector in Latin America, Europe and the Middle East.


  • Before founding Beel in 2018, Jaime worked for Santander for 7 years, acting as Head of Financial Sponsors Group in Mexico from 2016 to 2018 and involved in the largest infrastructure transactions in the country. Prior to moving to Mexico, he also led the Sovereign Wealth Funds and Government Related Entities Middle East office at Abu Dhabi.

  • Previously, Jaime worked at the execution M&A team of Morgan Stanley in London, where he focused on energy and infrastructure and closed 12 private M&A, public equity and debt deals across EMEA.

  • From 2003 to 2006 he was a consultant at Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, with a focus on strategy, corporate finance, turnaround and due diligence projects in Europe.


Jaime holds a bachelor degree in Finance from CUNEF (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and an MBA from Wharton (University of Pennsylvania), where he was awarded a full-tuition scholarship.

Aniceto Huertas - Partner

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Aniceto has 17 years of experience in the international financial sector, with a focus on origination, structuring and closing of advanced equity and project finance transactions in the infrastructure and energy sector in Latin America.


  • Before founding Beel in 2018, Aniceto worked in CitiBanamex Afore, one of Mexico´s largest pension funds, where he was Risk Director, responsible for transaction origination, structuring, closing and monitoring of US$10bn AUM, including 55+ private equity & debt funds and co-investments.

  • Prior to moving to Mexico, Aniceto was based in Washington DC for 10 years, where he was a senior investment officer in the infrastructure department at the Inter-American Investment Corporation, part of the Inter-American Development Bank Group, where he worked on more than 50 project finance and equity transactions in the infrastructure sector across Latin America.    

  • He has also worked for the International Finance Corporation, World Bank Group, and the Spanish Economic and Commercial Office in the USA.


He holds a Masters in Finance degree from George Washington University in Washington, DC, an International MBA from ICEX/CECO in Madrid, Spain, a Professional Certificate in Strategic Decision and Risk Management from Stanford University, and passed the Chartered Financial Analyst exams in 2012. He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from both the University of Hertfordshire, UK, and University of Malaga, Spain, under a double-degree program.

Alejandra Melgoza - General Counsel

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Alejandra is a lawyer with 12 years of experience working in corporate, financing, restructuring and capital markets transactions focused in Latin America.

  • Before joining the Beel team, Alejandra worked as an associate at Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP, a New York law firm with one of the largest Latin-American corporate practices (2013-2018).  While working at Cleary, Alejandra lead and participated in several transnational securities transactions, such as the $6 billion green bond offering and FIBRA E offering issued to fund the construction of the Mexico City international airport in Texcoco, as well as a number of equity and bond offerings of Latin American issuers governed by New York law.

  • Before working in New York, Alejandra worked as a Mexican lawyer with the law firms Lopez-Velarde Heftye y Soria, S.C. (2008-2010) and Mijares, Angoitia, Cortes y Fuentes, S.C. (2010-2012), participating in a number of M&A, financing and securities transactions, including the $20 billion acquisition of Grupo Modelo by Anheuser Busch InBev.

Alejandra holds a bachelor degree in laws from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM), México, and a master degree focused on banking and financial law from Boston University School of Law, Massachusetts, USA. Alejandra is admitted to practice in Mexico since 2008 and admitted to practice in New York since 2016.


International Standards in ESG and Integrity - Adopting International Best Practices

As an institution committed to environmental, social and governance principles (ESG), Beel promotes projects that guarantee sustainable development in Latin America. Beel's activity is governed by the IFC Performance Standards, it is a signatory of the PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment) of the United Nations, and follows an impact methodology based on the achievement of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.


Beel belongs to the Green Finance Advisory Council of Mexico (CCFV), joining the global efforts to achieve the objectives of the Paris agreement, and is comitted to comply with ESG factors using the standards issued by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures as a framework of reference. 

Additionally, Beel operates under the highest standard, complying with all local regulations and international best practices.

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Social Responsibility

Beel is proud to contribute to the development of education in Mexico by collaborating with the Cres – Estipac NGO, an Educational Institution with more than 30 years, focused on educating peasants and indigenous people with the vision of preparing them through an educational and technical model which allows them to reintegrate into their communities and transform them.

Aside form educating local communities in technical (agriculture, carpentry and bakery) and professional (Middle School, High School and Bachelor) matters, Cres - Estipac seeks to promote the preservation of their traditions and generate a healthy pride of their origins.



CKD Beel Infra Credit disburses its first investment since its issuance

Beel Infrastructure Partners


Beel entered into an agreement to provide subordinated financing to a company that operates telecommunications infrastructure assets in Mexico.

WhatsApp Image 2021-03-04 at 5.30.42 PM.

First Mexican infra debt fund launched



"Differently than international funds investing in Mexico, this investment platform will provide debt in local currency, either in pesos or unidades de inversion..." 


Beel Infra raised MXN $1.85 billion with a CKD

El Economista


"Through this CKD, with code BEELICK 20, the managers will grant credits, senior or mezzanine debt type, to companies in the infrastructure sector..."


IFC and Beel sign Cooperation Agreement for Infrastructure Financing in Mexico

IFC Press Room


"The agreement reflects the interest and conviction of both parties to develop and finance projects that meet high international standards in environmental and social responsibilities and corporate governance..."





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Bosque de Duraznos 61, Bosques de las Lomas,

Miguel Hidalgo, 11700, Ciudad de México.

We are always looking for enthusiastic and prepared people to join our team. If you are interested, please feel free to send us your CV to

© 2021 Beel Infra S.A.P.I. de C.V. |


Operating Policy / Política Operativa

Environmental and Social Management System

BEEL Sustainable Credit II - Ficha de Sostenibilidad


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